Thank you for all your amazing contribution to the life of St Paul’s. This is our Health & Safety page where you will find all the information to stay safe, report incidents and record accidents.

The Health & Safety Management Plan

The Health & Safety Management plan is your one stop document covering all health and safety requirements of the church and offices. There’s a lot of information but please ensure you read each page and are familiar with its contents, particularly fire evacuation, lockdown and earthquake procedures and how to report an incident. If you are an office based staff member, you will also have a copy in your Health & Safety Management folder.

First Aid Form

The First Aid form should be completed if you have an accident and use first aid items from the first aid kit. Please email your completed form to, or drop it into the office.

Incident Form

The Incident Form should be completed for accidents/incidents and near misses. Refer to page 64 of the Health & Safety Management plan for more information. Please complete this form online and email it to If you aren’t sure whether to complete this form, ask Donald.
Please let us know if there’s something you are concerned about by emailing