We believe that people are God’s most intricate handiwork, made in his image as the pinnacle of creation. We see our church as a spiritual garden, full of the diverse gifts and callings of God’s people gathered here. At the hub of all of this life is our amazing staff team. 

Pete Watson


I am a British import who met a New Zealander on an overseas adventure in Africa and here I am! I am married to Ange and we have three kids – Noah, Zoe and Owen. I have lived in Aotearoa since 2007 and been in ordained leadership since 2009. I arrived at St Paul’s via the Wellington Diocese where I was a Vicar and Archdeacon. I lead our awesome staff team as we serve St Paul’s. I love running, and reading with a good coffee, beer or whisky (depending on the time of day). I love that we get to partner with God in making all things new and seeing resurrection life in our lives, our church life and in our city.

Matt Bruns

Assistant Priest

As a priest I feel called to build up God’s people, encouraging them to be salt and light wherever they find themselves. I have a desire to see the Church increasingly reach outside its walls in innovative ways and have a heart for seeing people encounter the life changing reality of Christ. 

Ian Yong

Assistant Priest

I am a Malaysian born Chinese Anglican Priest who’s passion is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. I look after Small Groups and the International student ministry as well as doing all the other usual priest stuff. I am married to Daisy, and we have two children, Isaac and Gabby. I am all about people inside and outside the walls of the Church encountering the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Nathan McLellan

The Communion Service Leader

After a career in economics I moved to Vancouver, Canada to study theology at Regent College. I now lead the team at Venn Foundation which provides resources, conferences and residential fellowships for people looking to go deeper into the questions of life and faith. I was ordained into Te Pihopatanga o Tai Tokerau at the end of 2020 and now have the privilege of leading the 3pm communion service.

Sally Shanks

Prayer Ministry lead 

My passion is to help people to come to know God as a loving father, and to pursue his presence among us in ever-increasing measure. I lead our prayer life ministry which provides training and prayer initiatives such as the River, Deeper and The Identify Course. I coordinate a team of intercessors who receive our PrayerMail email to support those who have prayer requests.

Chris Cope

Worship Leader

I developed my passion for music growing up in the church. I’ve had enough of those “this is what I was made for” moments to know that it’s an essential part of who I am and what God has called me to do. I love all things music, especially where creativity, God and people intersect. I lead our volunteer worship leaders, musicians and audio/visual teams and am on the leadership team of the church.

Jennifer Cairns

General Manager

I have returned to our staff team to embrace the role of General Manager.  I previously worked on staff for over 8 years in various roles.  I'm married to Mike and am the proud mum to Chelsea and Logan.  My passions are meaningful connection with people, creating delicious meals, travel, reading, cuddling babies, and ticking things off ‘to do' lists. I've been attending St Paul’s since 2004 and am loving being back on staff.

Natalie Williams-Boag

Youth and Families Leader

I am Canadian-born and raised, and have had the gift of living in Aotearoa since 2019. While I've had much church involvement in the past, since living in this beautiful country I have been given some incredible opportunities to learn and grow more deeply in my faith. My background has been diverse, from summer camps and event work, to becoming a trained counsellor. I am deeply passionate about the gospel truth, and I see it as a privilege to be able to come alongside and serve the families at St Paul’s.

Milly Darragh

Kids Church Leader 

I was born and raised in London but moved here with my family about 10 years ago. I’ve always loved working with children, and have been in childcare since I was first allowed to get a job! Children bring such a unique and beautiful perspective to our church, and I am blessed to guide them along their journey in faith. I lead a team of volunteers and coordinate family events like the holiday programmess, family carnival, and ceilidh. I’m also completing my Masters in Biomedical Science and neuroscience at the University of Auckland alongside my role at St Paul’s.

Elizabeth Vink

People's Warden

Our people's warden is a key leader in our church, as a spokesperson for church members to Vestry (our governing body) and providing leadership to help Vestry meet its responsibilities. Elizabeth and her family have been involved in St Paul's since moving from Wellington to Auckland in 2009.  She has served on Vestry most of the past decade and has held roles such as chairing the HR subcommittee and being a parish nominator in search of our vicar. She loves St Paul's and seeing God at work in and through His people.