James Bowman

My story of seeing, hearing and living

After years of not going to church, and thinking I was going to have to reinvent the entire Christian church myself, Linda and I found ourselves joining a contemporary Anglican one in London, much to my surprise, because my limited experience of Anglican churches was feeling like you were in a museum. But this place felt alive. After a lecture from Eugene Peterson in Oxford, I told him he’d completed my mind change about about radical church reinvention, and he pointed out that Jesus spent most of his life simply belonging to his local church. Around that time, God showed me a statue on a tomb in an English cathedral breathing, I actually saw it with my eyes. I asked Him why that cathedral? He said because it was a living church. Because it was filled with the life of people poured into it. When a bunch of us from our London church returned to Auckland, we joined the oldest, dying church in our city, and helped breath fresh life into it by pouring ourselves into it completely. Not long after, God let a friend and me hear, with our own ears, angels singing with us up in the rafters of St Paul's. There’s life in our church.